We at respect the intellectual property rights of others and expect the same from our users. In compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c), copyright owners or their authorized agents may submit a takedown notice to us as outlined below. As an internet service provider, we are entitled to immunity from infringement claims under the “safe harbor” provisions of the DMCA. To file a good faith infringement claim, please provide a notice containing the following information:
Please note that under Title 17 USC §512(f), anyone who knowingly misrepresents material facts in a notification of infringement may be subject to liability for damages, including costs and attorney’s fees.
By submitting a DMCA claim, you acknowledge and agree that we may share your identity and the details of your claim with the alleged infringer.
Send all takedown notices to our designated DMCA Agent listed below:
Name: Jay
For prompt attention, we recommend submitting your notice via email.
If you believe that material you posted was removed or disabled by mistake or misidentification, you may submit a counter notification to our DMCA Agent. The counter notification must include the following:
Send your counter notification to:
DMCA Agent
Name: Jay
Email: takes copyright infringement seriously. In accordance with the DMCA, we maintain a record of DMCA notices filed against our users and make a good faith effort to identify repeat infringers. Accounts of repeat infringers will be terminated in accordance with our policies. |
This DMCA Policy is effective as of 01 JAN 2025